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Digital through the crisis – a challenge for companies

At the moment we are driven by great concerns, the worldwide unimaginable economic crisis. Unanticipated economic consequences. For most self-employed people it is a matter of survival.

But, even here, every crisis also offers an opportunity.

The best example: in our schools. Digital learning has become possible within a very short time. Or healthcare: digital technology makes it possible for patients to be well looked after and cared for, even by a long way via video consultation.

And what can companies do? Identify processes that are impaired or even completely prevented by distance regulations. Like annual inventory, for example: in a short time, many people have to count together. This can be avoided with inventory sampling. Or, for example, sales: by offering their own services digitally (online product configurator, expert system, web shop, online customer and supplier portal for entering and querying offers or orders), business can be done even with little personal contact.

You too can use the time to drive digitalisation in your company.

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Your classix Team


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