Why should it be difficult to change percentages? That could have been the opinion of the Chancellors’ Round, if you even think about implementing decisions.
On the “percentage” hang financial accounts, statistical categories, etc. This is something that needs to be followed up in the IT systems.
But now one can also ask oneself why this is such a special task in an IT system? Does it come as a complete surprise that data changes?
Unfortunately, there are usually no established mechanisms for dealing with this. Unfortunately, you always have to rethink where a change has what effect, data has to be extensively adapted manually. ClassiX users have it much easier.
The “old” VAT key only needs to be linked to the “new” VAT key – which may have already been defined in the IT system (e.g. 15% until 1999, 16% until 2007) – via a validity date. The rest runs automatically.
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